Fingerprint Examination Department

Traseology Unit

Traseology Unit deals with comparative examinations of marks of moving of people, animals and means of transportations.

In the Unit, the following examinations are performed:

  • evaluation and typing of shoeprints from the perspective of their identification suitability,
  • comparative examinations of footwear impressions with a reference material,
  • examinations directly identifying a person basing on impressions inside a shoe sole, footprints or barefoot impressions on any kind of surfaces,
  • comparative examinations of animal trails (paws, hooves, etc.).

Examinations are supported by podometric plate, which is used for identification of persons basing upon individual features of their footwear. For detection of prints in dust, deposited on the so-called difficult surfaces such as floor covering and furniture upholstery, the properties of electrostatic field in Electrostat device are applied.

To ensure a high quality of performed casework, forensic examinations are performed according to accredited testing procedures and methods. Furthermore, personnel competence is verified through the participation in proficiency testing schemes organized by international bodies and the involvement in activities of relevant ENFSI Expert Working Groups. Nationally, experts supervise the quality of casework in the area of traseology performed in regional police forensic laboratories.

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