Fingerprint Examination Department

Visualisation Unit

Visualisation Unit is responsible for detection, enhancement of quality, recording and securing of fingerprints. Additionally, experts of this Unit seek new methods for development of marks and introduction of such into everyday laboratory practice.

Forensic „magic” taking part in the Unit allows for things not seen with unaided eye to be visualized. To this end, appropriate examination methods are employed, based on the most recent scientific and technical advancements, such as time-resolved luminescence or system for hyperspectral imaging. Furthermore, visualisation experts carry out scientific and research and development activities on state-of-the-art technologies and testing methods in the area of state security.

Visualisation Unit receives requests for casework examinations from high profile or most serious criminal incidents from all over Poland. Experts work in line with the CFLP quality management system, and international ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 17025 standards. They supervise the quality of expert work performed in regional police forensic laboratories and cooperate with a number of national and international forensic-related institutions, in addition to active participation in ENFSI Fingerprint Working Group.

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