Fingerprint Examination Department


Automated Fingerprint Identification System – AFIS is used for collection and search of fingerprints and palm prints collected from suspects as well as unknown latent prints collected at scenes of crime for rapid identification of a person.

Earlier “manual” fingerprint collections, organised according to ten fingers’ formula, were used mainly for the purpose of identification of persons or dead corpses, however they failed to offer the possibilities for detection of criminal offenders basing upon fingerprints found at crime scenes. AFIS enabled latent prints from scenes of crime to be searched against fingerprints of known persons which contributed to a successful identification of criminal offenders.
At present, AFIS databases comprise nearly 3 400 000 tenprint (TP) cards and approx. 85 000 unknown latent prints (LT) and are able to execute all possible matches between tenprint cards and latents, as follows:

  • LT/TP to identify criminal offenders;
  • TP/LT to link person to various criminal offences;
  • LT/LT to link various criminal offences;
  • TP/TP to determine identity of persons or dead corpses.

Core tasks of AFIS include the following:

  • to collect fingerprint data of persons subject to criminal records;
  • to collect fingerprint data of aliens subject to administrative procedures basing upon Alien Act;
  • to collect prints of unknown latents from crime scenes;
  • to verify fingerprint data of persons by means of MorphoTouch and Morpho RapID.

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